In From Surviving ADHD to Thriving: Mindset Shifts for the ADHDer, author and ADHD Coach Alex R. Hey, PCAC describes how to go from merely eking out a life with ADHD to thriving and living one's best life. Taken from his blog posts on and featuring a foreword by coach and social media influencer Ryan Mayer, this book provides a roadmap to a better life. If ADHD is holding you back and you desire a better life, this is the book for you.
Release Date: May 16, 2023
Buy It: Amazon
Having ADHD presents challenges. However, those challenges can be overcome, and a successful life can be built. In Stories from Climbing the ADHD Mountain, author and ADHD coach Alex R. Hey, PCAC describes his experiences with ADHD and how they have shaped who he is. Featuring a foreword from renowned life coach Jay Perry, MCAC, this book challenges the reader to examine the stories they tell about their own life and whether those stories help or hurt their ability to live a more wonderful life.
Release Date: March 10, 2023
Buy It: Amazon
To have ADHD can be an isolating experience, but this book brings understanding and compassion. Learning what ADHD is and is not is an important aspect of managing one's ADHD. Author and ADHD coach Alex R. Hey, PCAC describes life with ADHD in a unique way, and those descriptions are compiled in this book. Taken from his blog posts on, The ADHD Life: ADHD Explained... (Or, That's Why I Do That) is a great introduction to ADHD for the newly diagnosed, loved ones of ADHDers, or anyone who wants a better understanding of what ADHD is.
Release Date: January 9, 2023
Buy It: Amazon
Blending scientific studies, the author’s personal experience, his experience as an ADHD coach, and a zany sense of humor characteristic of those with ADHD, Catholicism and ADHD: Finding Holiness Despite Distractions explores the effect ADHD can have on Catholics. The book begins by explaining what attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is and dispels myths that have circulated about this condition. It also offers an exploration of the importance of receiving an ADHD diagnosis and provides guidance on how to do so. A questionnaire is included for those who are not sure if it is worth it to seek a diagnosis or not. The struggles of a life with ADHD are detailed. These struggles affect not only a Catholic’s spiritual life but also their day-to-day life. Hope is offered through how a person with ADHD can overcome those challenges and how those who love someone with ADHD can support their loved one in their struggle to manage ADHD and their spiritual life. The craziness of a life with ADHD is mirrored in this humorous and heartfelt book through a light-hearted tone, wacky humor, many footnotes filled with additional information and side thoughts from the author, and the author’s genuine desire to help those with ADHD live the life God created them to have.
Release Date: October 17, 2019
Buy It: Amazon; Barnes & Noble
Born into a noble French family just before the French Revolution and thrust into exile at a young, Saint Eugène de Mazenod knew both wealth and poverty. In exile, his family moved from one Italian city to another and was ripped apart due to his parents' divorce. Eugène's faith life both flourished and sputtered in Italy. When he returned to his native France, he spiraled downwards into a spiritual crisis as he pondered his place in the world. Through God's grace, Eugène rediscovered his faith and followed God's will for him to become a priest dedicated to serving the most abandoned, to found the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, and to become bishop of Marseilles.
Pope Saint John Paul II said of him, 'Eugène de Mazenod was one of those apostles who prepared the modern times, our times...His influence is not limited to the times in which he lived, but continues even in our time.'Saint Eugène refused to let the pains of his youth stop him from realizing the Lord’s plan for him, and the problems he faced as an adult could not stop him from carrying out his ministry. All who feel abandoned can look to Saint Eugène and his example of not being defined by the struggles he endured.
Release Date: November 3, 2017
Publisher: Leonine Publishers
Buy It: Amazon; Kindle; Barnes & Noble; Leonine Publishers
Poetry Collections
“Brainthoughts” is a term Alex R. Hey invented to describe the sort of thoughts only his weird brain can have. The poems in Hey's second poetry book represent just some of the brainthoughts he has had over the years (some are too weird or too personal for publication).
Release Date: December 30, 2017
Buy It: Amazon; Barnes & Noble
Author Alex R. Hey gives a look inside his private prayer journal by sharing various poems he has written in them between 2012 and 2017. You might like them; you might not. You might find them inspiring; you might not.
Release Date: June 12, 2017
Buy It: Amazon; Kindle; Barnes & Noble
Poet Alex R. Hey experienced a lot in 2018. He was plagued by heartbreak, poor physical health, poor mental health, the death of a friend, entrepreneurship, and a puppy. This inspired a lot of poetry which has been compiled into this book. Through these experiences and writing these poems, Hey has emerged stronger. This collection of poetry will make the reader cry, laugh, and be inspired.
Release Date: January 12, 2019
Buy It: Amazon; Kindle; Barnes & Noble

Audio Presentations on St. Eugène de Mazenod
The audio file above is a presentation I gave to my parish's chapter of the Dead Theologians Society, a group of high school and college-aged kids who study the lives of the Saints.
The audio file above is a presentation I gave to the local chapter of the Sierra Club, a group dedicated to promoting vocations.
The audio file above is a presentation I gave to the adult faith formation program at St. Joseph's Cathedral in Sioux Falls, SD.